ここバンクーバーで、おいしい天然酵母のもちもちパンを探し続けてやっと見つけたパン屋さんはこの2件だけ。最近ちょくちょくお世話になっているガスタウンにある “Nelson the Seagull “と、    フレイザーストリートにある”Batard Bakery“。どっちもパンは美味しいですけど、買ってかえって来ても2日くらいで食べてしまうので、それならば自分でパン作ろ〜っと思い立って始めました。でも、いざとなるとパン焼きって結構難しいというか、奥が深いんですよね。これは、最近のぱんの写真です。お店屋さんで買うような外がカリカリの中がもちもちのパンは、オーブンがあればお家で焼けます。作り方は、またの機会にお知らせしますね。

Las eight years, I have been searching for  some good old sourdough bread in Vancouver. I have found two places so far that have awesome bread 🙂 here at the “Nelson the  Seagull” in Gastown. Their bread has the wonderful chewy texture and the flavor. I love their bread it is on the sour side. This place get really hot & humid in the summer one reason is they bake their bread within the cafe but have no air flow.  It has a  charm, there are bunch of beautiful well picked antique drawers, tables, Desks and Chairs. And feels very spacious and open feels. They have wonderful breakfast using their chewy bread. Sandwiches, open sands, bread and dip platter ..etc..If you want to buy a whole loaf of bread, it is $8 per loaf.

Others are “Batard Bakery” in Fraser St. This is a bakery and have some pastries.They also  have good bread. This place have a little open take out french style lunch and cheese, dips …etc in the showcase as well. feels like a little paris in this bakery. They also have great selection of soup & sandwich options.

Both of them have a great bread (^0^)/, but I realized that we eat up our whole bread so quickly and it cost $6 to $8 a loaf so to be economical, this is not our every week shopping place. I just decided to make my Aura mixed  bread for ourselves. So I just started my project. My long time acquaintance Nik invite me to his bread making workshop the other week . I learned a great deal of making artisan bread, so here are some of the pics of my process.

I would love to show you how to make great home made artisan bread sometime later…when I master some level of baking, I promise!




If anyone who lives in Vancouver wants to learn how to make artisan natural leaven bread, I highly recommend you to go take a class at Nick’s Palmer and sons bread class you’ll learn all the details to make good home baking!  You can adjust and try all sorts of bread and flour experiments after you know the basics, Have fun!!
