
小さくって酸っぱいリンゴのなる木を英語でCrab appleっと言います。春には、きれいな真っ白の花を咲かせてミツバチさんたちを大喜びさせています。

Some usual Saturday, we drove to Aldergrove BC Canada to visit Michael’s grandma’s farm. Every time we visit in the sprig to summer there is always more than enough fruits waiting for us to pick over there. In this April, there were lots of small white beautiful crab apple flowers fully bloomed in nana’s back yard. I was fortunate to sit under the tree and rejuvenate my tired body and soul. Noticed the buzzing sound all around the tree and saw tons of honey bees working hard collecting their precious sweet honey and pollen. I was so glad to see them flying around. since I was told that bee is decreasing the population big time due to chemical agriculture farming (*Monsanto-toxic spray kills them) and less and less flowers and nature around even in Canada. I think this is a world issue right now, if we loose bees there is no vegetables. They are the volunteer work force who pollinating the vegetables. I overheard there is such a thing called “pet bees”due to the decreasing numbers of them, some people started have them not for collecting honey, but for supporting the community of honey bees. This is very sweet idea, well I could grow more flowers next year in my garden and may have some pet bees as well.



Very tiny beautiful crab apple flowers ちっちゃくてとってもかわいいクラブアップルの花たち。




Me just sitting by the tree on the grass for hours… awesome place to meditate on life. If I could sit here everyday, I could may be become a philosopher.






このリンゴの木の下で、毎日座って瞑想できたら、もしかしたら将来は、哲学者になっているかもしれない。 なんだか古い木、いろんな歴史とか、天候を経験してきているんだろうな〜。